Tuesday, October 27, 2009


The downside to waging wars in countries other than Great Britain, Australia, and Canada is that the local people generally do not speak the same language as the American soldiers. This same problem occurs within the United States when soldiers from New England go to the South, when soldiers from the South go to the Southwest, and when soldiers from Iowa go anywhere outside of the Mid-West. While ancient armies spent enough time in the lands of the people they conquered to learn the languages and customs, the armies of the Global War on All things Bad and Terrible decided to rely on the use of interpreters, or terps.
The qualifications to be an interpreter were very strict and had multiple tiers. In order to achieve the first tier, one had to be able to speak the local language, smell like the inside of a gym bag full of dirty jockstraps, and speak at least one phrase or five curse words of English. These phrases were frequently taken from rap videos.
The first interpreter LT Fats used on a patrol told him that a local shopkeeper was trying to tell him that "He love at wayn you cole heem beeg poe-pah." This was after the interpreter carried on a five minute conversation with the shopkeeper during which he bought a kibab, slapped four different children, and attempted to trade the platoon radio/telephone operator for the shopkeeper's daughter.
"I hate my interpreter," Fats complained to Ox and Juden. "And I think I need to get a new RTO that doesn't look like a 12-year old. I wish I had yours, Juden. He's good."
This was true. Juden's interpreter was applying to be a second tier interpreter. The qualifications included all of those necessary for a level one with the additional requirements to understand enough English to recite an entire rap song, complain about working too much, and use at least one personalized catchphrase. Furthermore, second tier interpreters smelled like a gym bag full of dirty jockstraps onto which a bottle of cheap cologne had been spilled.
When Juden took his interpreter to the same shopkeeper, he discovered that what the man actually said was, "I need you halp me. He say he see me tonight three day goyn (which Ox eventually learned meant "three nights ago"), I should tack vakeshun. Wan me bring you nice cologne from Baghdad? You be beeg peempon, spannin' da jeez. " Additionally, Juden's interpreter was able to steal a live sheep from the man, only to have to return it when the soldiers couldn't find room to fit it in any of their vehicles.
"Doesn't matter," Juden told Fats. "Ox has the only one who actually speaks English."
"True, but he can't walk more than fifty feet without passing out," Ox stated. "He'd be useless on patrol."
Ox used the interpreter CPT Hugnis chose for all of his sheik meetings. Nicknamed Daud, this obese interpreter could translate accurately for an hour before requiring medical assistance to continue breathing. When not working, Daud spent his time evenly split between the chow tent and the medical tent, with the occasional break in his pattern to tell LT Ox that all the interpreters were going to quit.
"I'm very sorry, seer, but all of terps say we leave today if we do not have longer vacations," Daud would claim every three days.
"Well, as it is, you work two weeks and get two weeks off," LT Ox would remind him, "And your salary is ten times the Abu Dahbu average. Furthermore, if you quit now, we'll simply toss you out of the back of a truck in the middle of the population whose demands you've been misinterpreting. Maybe they'll offer you a better job, or maybe they'll behead you on camera and send the video to your families in Baghdad. Up to you."
"Oh no, seer, we won't quit," Daud would quickly respond. "I jest need more time to take care of sick mother. She very worried about me and has cancer."
"Right," nodded LT Ox after a few similar requests. "Isn't this the same mother who I've given you extra vaction time for three times and whose funeral you've attended twice?"
"No, is a different mother," Daud responded, "On my father's side."
"Ok, I'll do my best," Ox replied, having no intention to give the matter another thought.
"Thank you, sir," Daud saluted. "You tha real Slam Sheedy, and owl other Slam Sheedy's be jest eemadeeting."
"Word to your mother on your father's side," Ox saluted back with a gang sign, or with what his pale-skinned rural Bible-belt upbringing made him think a gang sign might look like.
This pattern of misunderstanding, resignation threats, and rap greeting continued until an entirely new type of interpreter arrived at the outpost. This one was not in the tier system. He was in entirely different category. Zenzem was a naturalized U.S. citizen, having served in the army to become so.
"Ox, we've got a U.S. citizen with a secret security clearance to translate for us now," CPT Hugnis directed. "I'm sick of not understanding a damn word these stinky bastards are saying, so I'm claiming him for the rest of my patrols. Got it?"
Ox made it so, and for every single patrol CPT Hugnis attended for the rest of that day, Zenzem went along.
"Dammit, Ox, I'm never taking that dipshit on patrol with me again," CPT Hugnis fumed, storming into the command post. "I couldn't understand a word he was saying. Didn't look like any of the sheiks could understand him either. They all made faces at us like we had dicks on our foreheads the whole time. I started to think I did have a dick on my forehead. I don't have a dick on my forehead, do I? I swear, if Juden's squad leaders drew a dick on my forehead, I'll..."
"There's no dick on your forehead, sir," Ox interupted.
"No balls?" Hugnis continued. "No ass, boobs, third eye, or other horrible thing that would make those sheiks stare at me like I ..."
"Sir, I promise there's nothing more on your face than the usual grime that accumulates on all of us while we reside in this God-forsaken country," Ox assured his commander. "After speaking with Daud and getting past the usual resignation threats, I've come to the conclusion that Zenzem is actually a bushman and speaks no Arabic."
"What the hell is a bushman?" CPT Hugnis asked.
Ox, the Ball company cultural expert, explained: "They are members of one of the few remaining African tribes untouched by western civilization. They speak a language that absolutely no one else in the world understands with a grammar structure unlike any dialect of any major language group. Zenzem's home language is no closer to Arabic than it is to English, Chinese, or Klingon."
"So you're saying he's useless to us?" CPT Hugnis asked.
"Less that useless, actually," Ox continued. "I took the liberty of calling the battalion interpreter manager to ask about Zenzem. According to ETO 22, we must treat all interpreters who are American citizens as an essential part of our intel gathering process. We must use his insite in our planning process and take him as our interpreter whenever we conduct meetings with sources. However, since his grasp of English is entirely based on the use of pronouns, simply attempting to understand his ramblings will take hours of our intel gatherers' time every day without providing any useful results."
"Zat way, zey went to zem, and zen zay said zey supposed to do zat sing," Zenzem explained to intel cell next door.
"Ox," CPT Hugnis sighed as he walked away, "I got a feeling this is going to be a long deployment."
"You got zat right, sir," Ox mumbled.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Formation of the Effects Tasking Order

The Roman Army at its height had the most massive logistical support system in the world. The regional governors in modern day Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa commanded their respective regions with the might of the legions whilst largely autonomous from Caesar. However, one Emperor by the name of Nero had a bad habit of micromanagement. An untrusting conspiracy theorist, he demanded that all governors provide specific reports for how much gold, grain, and other raw materials they were accumulating in their regions, great details on their expenditures, explanations for the projected second and third order effects of all expenditures, and extremely long reasoning essays for all requests to Rome for support. The scrolls of these reports were sent to Nero's library, where he would read over each in painstaking detail, then store the scrolls for later reference in large warehouses. After two weeks of reading, Nero would write an executive order dictating exactly what the governors were doing wrong, what they needed to fix, and how they were to fix it. These orders were called "Presencia Negotium Ordo" which translates roughly to Effects Tasking Orders. However, due to the frequency of his orders and the delay in travel for information, many of these orders would conflict, overlap, be delivered to the wrong governors, or simply become lost at sea or on the road.
Not wanting any order of the Emporer to be overlooked or confused, Nero directed scribes to write duplicate copies of all orders for the entire Roman world. These would be delivered by multiple routes to each governor, thus ensuring that all governors would receive their orders at least once, along with the orders for all other governors in the empire. In addition, at least two copies of those orders had to be sent back to Nero by different routes with each regional task marked in red ink (to Honor Jupiter) in order to acknowledge that each governor had recieved his orders and complied. Hence, the govenor of Macedon would receive the orders for the govenors of Gaul, Egypt, Germania, Greece, and every other small and large territory the Caesars before Nero conquered in the name of Rome, but would only mark with red ink the orders designated to Macedon, then send two copies back with his aforementioned reports.
The details in the reports and the PNOs consumed all of Rome's paper supply within the first ten months of this system, and soon created such a demand for paper that Nero directed Egypt to change its tribute commodity from grain to papyrus. The warehouses containing the orders, returned orders, reports, and blank paper for new reports were overflowing, thus prompting Nero to rent out dwelling places within the city to provide additional space.
One night, during a particularly long session of nitpicking the reports following the twenty-second order, Nero decided to take a quick nap at his desk. He had a bad dream about the new Christian sect intercepting his PNOs and burning them, waking him with a jolt. That jolt knocked his candlestand onto a stack of returned PNOs and immediately engulfed them in flame. Nero's lyre laid just beyond the stack. Worried that the fire might damage his favorite instrument, he dove for it, scattering the flaming papyrus around the apartment floor, igniting several other stacks. Realizing that there would be no way to single-handedly stop this fire, Nero ran from the dwelling, attempting to find help. However, seeing as he had rented out the entire apartment complex for paper storage, Nero could find no one to help him put it out. He ran to the marble steps of his palace, watching as the flames raged through the complex. Over the next five days, what would become known as the Magnum Incendium Romae, or the Great Fire of Rome destroyed three of the 14 districts of Rome and severely damaged seven others.
This was the first known distaster caused by the Effects Tasking Order, though the causes for other similar catastophes are closely linked to confusing and complex order systems. Xerxes' million man army of Persia was delayed for three days in Thermopylae by a paultry force of 300 Spartans and a few thousand other Greek farmers. Though conventional wisdom stated that this was due to the terrain coupled with the might of the Spartan phalanx, the actual problem was that the additional duty of all archers in the Persian army was to carry bundles of parchment containing orders and logistical records. It took three days to categorize and sort those orders, while the Spartans, a completely illiterate bunch who relied on simple spoken orders and decentralized leadership, butchered 20,000 Persian soldiers. When the archers were finally allowed to rain down barrages of arrows on the Greeks, the Spartans were weakened to a point that allowed a standard sized group of Immortals to easily finish off King Leonidas and his men.
The redundant and confusing report and order system that is the ETO reoccured in many forms throughout history. Grouchy was busy writing his consumption reports and checking off items from the lists of his tasks while Napoleon waited for him to reinforce the French at Waterloo. Charles of France received a directive sent two months before the battle of Agincourt stating "The dry climate you reported in August should result in firm ground on which to base a solid cavalry charge. Go forth, and wipe that Bastard Henry from the face of the Earth." Unfortunately for the French, the battle took place in October, when the freshly plowed and rained on battlefield was a mudpit. King Phillip II of Spain controlled his Armada via boat messenger from his palace, having never actually seen any of his ships. Thus, he did not realize that a galleon was not really a warship, but a Portugeuse merchant vessel poorly matched against British warships. Finally, the most complex form of the Effects Tasking Order was implimented by Field Marshall Montgomery to organize the largest airborne offensive in history.
Most historians agree that Operation Market Garden went smashingly well.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Tiger & Dale

The men who fought in World War II claimed the title "The Greatest Generation." From 1940-1945, approximately a tenth of the population served in the military, fighting the great scourge of Nazis and Imperial Japanese intent on conquering the world.
In the War on Terror, much like the War on Crime, War on Poverty, and War on Hunger (a victory in the U.S., only to spur a drawn out conflict with Obesity), approximately a tenth of the population was vaguely aware that anything remotely resembling a war was happening. No, most of the new generation, aptly nicknamed "The Pretty Good, if somewhat overweight, but at least better than our Hippie Parents Generation" barely understood that somewhere in the world, heavily armed and armored men and women were going out on patrol through remote areas, looking around, and returning to their bases to eat.
That was what happened most of the time. Those stationed at combat outposts had little else to do besides play video games, work out, or eat. Those stationed at the larger bases were fortunate enough to have large Morale and Welfare centers where they could play video games, work out, and eat. Sometimes those centers hosted Salsa nights. These were crazy swinging parties, or probably would have been if anyone had attended them. However, due to a Giblet Standing Order, stating that "Fraternization with female soldiers, particularly of the overweight Hispanic variety, is strongly discouraged and may incur the penalty of extreme ridicule," Salsa night never reached its full potential. Salsa nights may have been the most secret event held on any form of base ever, for in the fifteen months of deployment, only two Giblets ever attended. Their names were SGTs Tiger and Dale. SGT Dale was the Ball company armorer and philosopher. SGT Tiger was the Ball company's chemical sergeant, room assignment sergeant, third country national labor manager sergeant, and heterosexual life-mate to SGT Dale.
SGT Dale and SGT Tiger met just before deployment and the non-romance that ensued was neo-classic. Dale was a redneck who spent the majority of his youth smoking coppius amounts of cannibus and watching the history channel. The vast amount of knowledge he retained warranted at least a Masters Degree in random information, though Dale was clearly working on his dissertation. Tiger, an Afrimexican who looked like an Afriasian, had a chameleonic genetic mutation capable of completely changing his speech and mannerisms based entirely on the company in which he found himself. When with the officers, he was a cynical and elitist college grad. When hanging out with Black or Hispanic soldiers, he was ghetto bum who spoke fluent Ebonics. Rumors flew around Ball company that when directing the efforts of third country national laborers, he spoke Hindi, Pakistani, Farsi, and Arabic, all while applying too much cologne.
With Dale, however, Tiger found his true self. Dale ridiculed Tiger relentlessly for his multiple personalities, forcing Tiger to ridicule Dale for being an intelligent hillbilly. Soon, the conversations turned to other idiosyncrasies in the company, battalion, and army as a whole. In these exchanges, the unlikely duo found their respective equals. Both were united by a hatred for SSG Fugaysi, the extremely talkative supply sergeant. This hatred would later transition to CPT Hansel, who quickly noted that they were the two most competent NCOs in the army and placed the pair directly in his charge. Though initially a welcome change from SSG Fugaysi, CPT Hansel's constant death threats and occasional epileptic fits frustrated the two more than Fugaysi's logistics ramblings ever did. Also, because Hansel understood their effectiveness, he did what every good officer would do with good sergeants; he dumped every last bit of work that came his way on the pair, threatened them accordingly, and hid in his office watching pirated DVD collections of TV shows until the early hours of the morning. This pattern of behavior fueled the relationship between the two sergeants.
Tiger and Dale frequently complained, but always with a witty flare and never in lieu of doing their jobs. Both were possessed with an odd drive to accomplish any tasks assigned to them, and were successful despite their hatred of the job. Their stories about SSG Fugaysi entertained Hansel, their stories about Hansel entertained Ox, and their constant jokes about Juden's nose entertained everyone. Tiger and Dale were the heart and soul of the the company, as well the lungs, the kidneys, the intestines, the liver, the Achilles tendon, bone marrow, and anything else vital to normal bodily function but taken for granted until it's missing.
They were two hobbits from the shire who despite their bumblings still managed to save Middle Earth, if the word "Hobbits" was replaced by "Short NCOs," the word "Shire" was replaced by "South," the word "bumblings" was replaced by "complete lack of any recognition or reward system," and the phrase "save Middle Earth" was replaced by "keep Ball Company from resorting to cannibalism."

Thursday, October 1, 2009


West Pointers are socially awkward. So are ROTC cadets. So, too, are most OCS lieutenants. Nearly any officer who was not CPT Hansel was socially awkward. Hansel was not. Awkward does not begin to describe the state in which one could find Hansel. Most officers have difficulty avoiding military talk in pleasant conversation. Some officers have a habit of being a bit too controlling at a party, as is their nature at work. Hansel had difficulty engaging in any form pleasant converation, which also stemmed from his work.
When Hansel was a young platoon leader, he had been ordered with that platoon to replace a platoon in the South Pacific that had been expelled from the region for violating certain laws regarding animal cruelty and prostitution. All leadership of the outgoing platoon were occupationally executed, and all members of the platoon were kicked in the groin upon return to the U.S. Wanting to ensure that nothing of the sort would happen again, the brigade commander decided to personnally brief Lieutenant Hansel before he left.
"I swear to God, you little piece of pond scum, if you screw this pooch, I will eat your children," the colonel began.
"Sir, I don't have any children..." Hansel began to say, immediately regreting opening his mouth.
"Then I will rip off your arm, clone you with the DNA, let you raise that clone as your son, and then stick a bamboo rod through that child and eat him like a shishkabob. Don't ever contradict me again, you sack of shit." Hansel thought about the technical difficulties the colonel would have in the cloning process, and how expensive it would be, not to mention the obvious consideration that human cloning was still leaning toward the illegal side of the judicial fence, but decided he should just keep his mouth shut.
"If one of your soldiers decides it's a good idea to set a monkey on fire, I will burn down his house. If one of your NCOs decides it's a good idea to wink at a local girl, I'll gouge out his eye. If one so much as THINKS of hooking up with one, then I'll cut off his Johnson. If your platoon spits in the wrong direction, shits in the wrong pot, shaves in the wrong spot, or showers when it's not hot, I'll buy you a puppy, make you love it, then cook it and feed it to you."
Hansel thought about how he had always wanted a puppy growing up. He really didn't want a puppy anymore.
"Let me make this perfectly clear, to your puny little virgin ears, you sack of camel-spider shit," the commander continued, "I will desecrate the graves of your ancestors, smear feces on their headstones, scatter their ashes in your food, and MURDER YOU if you so much as speak with a local. Is that clear?"
Hansel was about to embark on a peace-keeping mission to help train local military forces and provide security for the area. He was not sure how this mission would be possible under his newly stated orders.
"Sir, I'm don't exactly understand how I will be able to accomplish my mission if I can't speak to the locals," Hanseled quietly stated.
"I will light a fire and burn the skin down the hatch and you'll be sorry and don't let me catch you little piece of donkey dung with my boot so far up your ass and taste my toes in your french fries with back in the old army I'd stick a bayonet in your gut and a butt-stroke to the head with the force of an Abrahms tank and cut your liver with a backwards slash and blood, guts, and pass the ammunition cause it's gonna be a long night!" His aids quickly placed a stick between the red-faced colonel's teeth and grabbed his arms as he broke into an epileptic fit. He spewed fluids from his eyes, nose, and mouth, growling as though he was hungering for Hansel's unborn children. One of the captains not immediately engaged in restraining the brigade commander rushed Hansel out of the room.
"I trust you understand the commander's intent," the diplomatic captain stated, as if Mr. Rogers had just explained what was going on in the neighborhood of make-believe. "Good luck!"
Young lieutenants in their first two years are essentially concrete in its liquid phase. Commanders, NCOs, and peers have the opportunity during this time to write their initials, put their handprints, or scrawl little messages in the that wet cement before it hardens. The giant ass-print that this colonel left would form the basis for Hansel's mannerisms for the rest of his military career.
CPT Hugnis might tell a subordinate to accomplish a task in a certain time by saying, "Ox, I need you to finish the inventory by this Friday. It's very important that we send up our report on time." Hansel, given the same situation, said, "Ox, if you don't finish the inventory by the end of this week, I'll beat you to death with your own binoculars and hang your dead, bleeding corpse on the walls to this base."
Ox finished the inventory in two weeks, with a final report that two sets of binoculars had mysteriously gone missing, signed out to the officers "CPT J. Hansel" and "LT P. Ox," respectively.